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LETHAL WEAPON 5: The Breathalyzer Chronicles
Another hypocrite in the midst this time on the Pacific Coast Highway of Malibu, California. Mel Gibson pulled over for drinking and driving and now in rehab apologizing for his behavior. What they won't tell you on TV is that he yelled at a female police officer calling her "sugar tits", claiming ownership of Malibu, and before being shoved into a car screaming, "My life is fucked. I'm not going to get in your car… You motherfucker. I'm going to fuck you… Fucking Jews… The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world. Are you a Jew?" Wow... all this after making millions of dollars from making a movie about Jesus. Incidently he was supposed to be making a film about the Holocaust. Well... all that said, it's a troubled world we live in. Hope all works out for you Mel.
ok, yeah so it was all over the news because he is mel gibson. meanwhile shit like this goes on ALL of the time in each and every city in the USA.
this guy's crime was driving under the influence, NOT talking shit.
Yeah, I think it's sad that this is spread across the papers and I believe it would have been even if he hadn't made the film. I think he was wrong in what he did and said and being under the influence is no excuse. But sadly enough I do believe the Jewish community in Hollywood is doing everything they can to give this man a hard time because of "The Passion of Christ". It's funny how they were upset that the movie would insight anti-semitism but when "Schindler's List" came out they weren't worried about insigting an anti-German response. Just for those of you who may feel I am speaking against a certain group of people, my great-grandfather was Jewish. I am one who believe in looking at each situation for what it is and I believe many can't deny it.
Thats what I am talking about,those bastards....
While I do not agree with his drunken comments, I believe that he should be forgiven. It is not our place to judge, Jesus taught us that. Judging is up to The Father and He will know if Mel's apology is truthful or not.
Drunks say lots of things, I've been around long enough and around enough drunks to hear amazing things..........Satan works through the bottle again!
DAM Frenchies,why why why,are they alive.......
Well, considering I thought The Passion of the Christ was a one-trick pony and thought it was overbloated... I think all the heat Mel Gibson is getting is a little much. Despite the fact that I think when people are drunk, they tend to let their real emotions and feelings show -- its his business if he wants to be anti-Jew or not. I bet that if we were to all wear our emotions on our sleeves... there could be something objectionable and not-PC in every one of us.
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