Friday, September 15, 2006


I still have to ask myself, with all of the problems in the world, at what point do children go wrong and have their minds twisted in to thinking that re creating a Columbine type massacre is kewl. Are these kids that far disassociated with society and involved with video games and information about death and destruction to want to believe that this is cool? My theory is that some people just shouldnt have kids. My thoughts and prayers go out to the families and victims of the Dawson College Massacre in Montreal Canada and I hope that Kimveer Gill burns in Hell and that there arent more kids out there that want to continue on his legacy. More Info.


CatWoman said...

He was some goth club kid gone psycho. His parents and friends should have seen the signs and committed his ass.

Anonymous said...

shit tom, i've had my "monroe" for over a year mean it's "just now" becoming the "in thing"????.............haha

to the above poster.......sometimes it's hard being a parent, even more difficult being a friend.

Remmy said...

update ur blog pls... XAXAXAXAXA