Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Spock!!! Can you hear me yet?

Yes!!! Ive been officially transmitted into space. Now maybe my ancestors will find me and bring me back to fight the evil powers of the universe and I can save humanity for all time. Gotta love me for that. Too bad it takes so much space. --->


Anonymous said...

Lol you were transmitted into space on April Fools Day!!! Would you believe that I missed my day? Didn't even take a screenshot :(

Tom said...

Whoa... the famous Darla Mack from stopped in to the SYKO CAFE. Were both sending our blogs into space and found each others blogs. Its a small universe. Thanks for stopping by. :-P

Remmy said...

Dang! you beat me to it! XAXAXAXA & dude brother disable the WORD VERIFICATION its make me itchy man....