Friday, June 02, 2006

Are You kidding me?

Next time you receive a message about an incurable virus, an electronic greeting card that automatically sends cards to all in you address book, gas boycotts, Bill Gates sending you money, and more; visit the Snopes Urban Legend Reference Site first. It has hundreds, maybe thousands, of these email hoaxes and legends, including one that claims I am the greatest Blogger of them all. Well thats true. So?
Snopes has information concerning the origin of the legend/hoax, the text of email messages carrying the falsehood, an explanation of any aspect of the story that may have a basis in truth. It's the place I go first whenever I get an email stating the United States Postal Service is going to begin charging $.39/email because it's loosing too much revenue because of email.


Anonymous said...

interesting!!!!! i've already told my family that I don't want that shit. my sis in houston is the only one that seems to understand. lmfao

Anonymous said...

I wish Bill Gates would send me some money. Even if its the hundred dollar bills he wipes his ass with! I'd still take it!